9 Reasons to Love Spring Break at the Beach

It’s Spring Break!  I always approach spring break with a whole bunch of anxiety. Because we live in KANSAS. There are people in Kansas who have never seen the beach. Why? Maybe they just like cornfields, or they can’t get out of work, or are scared of flying, or  can’t drive.  All valid reasons for sure.

I’m here to tell you it’s because it’s 16 hours away. Seriously – 16 Hours. Only insane people would drive 16 hours twice in one week, with 3 kids, to spend a few days in the sand.  I’m giving myself an anxiety attack.


They say it helps to make a list of things I’m grateful for.  So I gave it a shot.

  1. Quality Time – Yay a whole week with just my kids, no friends, no distractions, no hurry or soccer practice.  No alarm clocks. Wait what!?! A whole week with just my kids? No friends, no distractions and nothing to keep us busy? Just us? For a whole week?
  2. Staying in a hotel is so much fun.  It’s all about swimming pools and staying up late and continental Breakfast! Oh and the not sleeping, and the blackout curtains that absolutely don’t work because HELLO – the kids were in the car for 12 hours yesterday. They can’t be bothered to sleep, they MUST MOVE!  Besides, they know that the have to do more driving tomorrow so sleeping is not even remotely an option.
  3. The excitement of a car trip– I love road tripping.  We always get to see new places and new things. Last year we even saw a roadrunner and 1006 dear (that’s 17 more deer than we saw the year before, thank you very much). Especially fun is the awesome fast food, gas station coffee (because no-where Alabama people).  oh and the “she just needs a nap”, please take a nap, aren’t you tired?” and  the “Mom, mom, mom, mom….” because “Dad can’t hear you he’s wearing his headphones”. (smart guy)
  4. Technology is amazing –  The kids just watch movies, play games and listen to music. I can listen to a whole audio book (because did I mention it’s 16 hours – one way) Speaking of headphones I have an extra pair (for EACH child and my husband) just in case. Because technology is loud.
  5. It’s warm – I mean seriously vacation at the beach is incredible. You get to pull our all the summer clothes you haven’t worn all winter.   And then there is the packing.   The part that takes 3 whole weeks of laundry and cleaning.  Then it’s “who’s swim suit fits?  who needs goggles? Does anyone know where we put the flip flops?  Do you mean to tell me not a single pair of your shorts from last year will fit over your knees?”
  6. The view – My husband and I can sit on the balcony all afternoon and watch the waves or read a book. Well expect for the 1000 heart attacks as we lunge for the toddler who thinks the balcony rail is a balance beam. (She’s never actually made it up there, just a few million attempts, promise).
  7. What’s not to love about the beach – The sand on my feet, building sand castles, reading books, splashing in the surf with my kids is always so much fun!   Be sure there will be adequate supervision as the toddler meets every person (and puppy) in a 3 mile radius.  She will undoubtedly eat their food, touch their babies, dig with their shovels and throw sand in their hair.  I should make preprinted apology notes.
  8. I won’t have to cook – There are restaurants everywhere at the beach,  because seriously beach food is AMAZING. Except that restaurants at the beach with 3 kids during spring break are a combination of waiting and whining.  On second thought, have some chicken nuggets.
  9. Wine in the grocery store- That. is. all.

Happy Spring Break at the beach – if we ever get there –   See you next week!

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